May 14th 2020
Geoffrey Smyth, Abigail Dickson and Juan Cordova form The Chapel Perilous.

Led by Geoffrey Smyth The Chapel Perilous will be a media company for the 21st century.
Offering full service publishing in a boutique manner The Chapel Perilous team will be hands on throughout the creative process while allowing authors to express themselves without limitation on their narrative.
"The goal is to publish novels we believe in from authors we are passionate about. Abigail and Juan will shepherd those novels across their areas of expertise to maximize the potential of each intellectual property"
Geoffrey Smyth
Head of Publishing
The Chapel Perilous
October 27th, 2020
The Chapel Perilous signs author Jonathan Latt to exclusive three book deal.

I read Jonathan's first novel The Geek while in lockdown and absolutely fell in love with it. I found him on social media, and we started talking.
Once he told me about the new novels he was fleshing out, plus the eventual sequel to The Geek I knew he was the right fit for us.
After Geoffrey and Juan read The Geek they agreed, and we began negotiating in earnest.
We're all very excited to be working with him.
Abigail Dickson
Snr. VP of Dev for Film and Television
The Chapel Perilous
December 15th 2020
The Chapel Perilous puts The Jester and Lady Luck into development.

These are classic comic book characters who never really got their due.
I pitched my take on how to update them, and both Geoffrey and Abigail loved the idea. The three of us are developing it in-house as a feature and looking to bring on the writer we feel is the best fit for it.
Juan Cordova
Snr. VP Alt Media and Acquisitions
The Chapel Perilous.
July 22nd 2021
The Chapel Perilous welcome Bethany Shaddock and Baltimore James into their growing stable of writers.

First time novelists Bethany Shaddock and Baltimore James have each signed with The Chapel Perilous.
Bethany is working on a wonderful sword and sorcery novel that looks to take fantasy into a new direction and Baltimore is the type of hard boiled pulp author we think fits in very well with our vision.
Geoffrey Smyth
Head of Publishing
The Chapel Perilous
January 28th, 2023
Starlite is now available on all major platforms.

Starlite is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple Books.